In this episode Mads and Chris weave their way through the 1990 Lucasarts classic, Loom. The result of the March poll is revealed and we discover that Chris has never played a single game of note from the genre theme for April!
Special thanks to TeJay for giving us permission to use his awesome artwork for the cover of this episode. Visit TeJay's Twitter page to see more of his work:
Thanks to all our Patreon's who made this episode possible.
Aaron Maupin
Aiden Marriott
Andrew Gilmour
Andy Marsh
Blake Brett
Cane and Rinse
Chris Rowe
Chris Worthington
Clint Humphrey
Darren Coles
Duncan Bell
Edward Fitzpatrick
Garry Heather
Jon Sheppard
Jon Veal
Laurens de Bruijn
Laurent Giroud
Magnus Esbjörner
Mark Bylund
Martin Stephenson
Matt Sullivan
Nick Lees
Patrick Fürst
Paul Ashton
Rhys Wynne
Richard May
Richard Rogers
Rick Jackson
Salvio Calabrese
Stephen Bell
stephen stuttard
Thomas scoffham
Zach Glanz
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